Riverside Sports Therapy Reopens with New Safety Measures
As of May 4th, 2020, we are happy to announce that Riverside Sports Therapy is open to all patients for Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Treatment.
Covid-19 Best Practice at Riverside Sports Therapy
As healthcare practitioners our primary goal is the health and well-being of our patients and staff members. Our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists abide by the rules of the Government of Alberta and our respective College and Associations while opening during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are ready to execute all requirements as we return to practice.
Here is what we are doing to keep our patients and staff safe as we reopen Riverside Sports Therapy:
- Our clinicians and staff members will always be wearing approved personal protective equipment including masks and in some circumstance’s gloves
- We encourage all patients to wear their own masks while visiting the clinic
- Each patient will be screened for Covid-19 prior to booking their appointment and again once they have arrived
- All practitioners and staff will be screened for Covid-19 each day
- There will be a hand sanitizing station immediately as you arrive to the clinic which all patients will be expected to use prior to and after their appointments
- We have arranged our waiting room to accommodate for social distancing and have removed all magazines and children’s toys
- Practitioners schedules have been organized to ensure there are no more than 15 individuals in the clinic at any time
- All high touch/traffic areas such as door knobs, light switches and chair arms within the clinic are being cleaned multiple times each day with the approved anti-viral and anti-bacterial solutions
- We ask that all patients arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment
- We encourage no contact payment once your appointment is complete
Thank You
These are difficult times and we will all get through this together. We look forward to seeing you at Riverside very soon.
To book an appointment please call (403) 283-7551, email info@riversidesportstherapy.com or visit us online at riversidesportstherapy.com
The Riverside Sports Therapy team