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[simnor_accordion][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Acute Facet Syndrome” onload=”closed” text=”Acute facet syndrome can occur throughout the spine and is one of the most common causes of spine pain. As each vertebra of the spine stacks on top of the other, there are joints that link each segment to the one above it and the one below. These joints are referred to as facet joints. When these joints become compressed or sprained, the individual usually complains of pain with movement, pinpoint pain in the spine, and often feels as though he or she is leaning to one side. Treatment of this type of injury may include mobilization, soft tissue techniques, and the re-conditioning of the spinal musculature.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Ankle Sprain” onload=”closed” text=”Ankle sprains typically occur when someone has “rolled” their ankle. This type of injury is most commonly a result of overstretching the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). Each sprain is unique and needs be diagnosed and graded depending on the degree of injury to the specific ligament. If you think you may have sprained your ankle, immediately place ice over the injured area and seek treatment from a medical professional.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=” Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD)” onload=”closed” text=”Whiplash and whiplash associated disorders are a group of injuries linked to the sudden movement of the head. These types of injuries typically occur during rear-end motor vehicle accidents, but they sometimes occur during less violent activities, like while playing contact sports or falling while riding a bicycle. WAD injuries are graded (0-4) depending on the type and severity of symptoms while being examined by a trained professional. WAD injuries can be very severe and they may require the propreoceptive training of the muscles controlling motor movement of the head and eyes.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=” Upper Cross Postural Syndrome (UCPS)” onload=”closed” text=”UCPS is a common problem for individuals who work at a desk or computer station. Individuals with UCPS often complain of tightness in the shoulders and at the base of the skull that leads to a headache at the end of the day. These people often have internally rotated shoulders, a tight chest, and increased curvature of the mid-back and anterior head carriage. UCPS can be treated using a specific set of postural exercises and soft tissue treatments that train the individual to reset his or her posture while working at a desk or computer station. Education and daily exercises allow the individual to correct postural changes throughout the workday to perform at their best.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=” Carpal Tunnel Syndrom (CTS)” onload=”closed” text=”CTS is a condition in which the median nerve of the upper limb is compressed as it passes through the wrist into the hand. Individuals often experience changes in sensation (paresthesia) of the thumb, index and middle fingers, weakness of the hand, and numbness. Although uncommon, numbness of the palm may also occur. The median nerve originates in the cervical spine and runs down the upper limb, and then continues into the hand to provide sensation and strength. There are many sites along this path where the nerve may become compressed. ART, Graston soft tissue mobilization, and mobilization of the cervical spine are proven techniques used to remove pressure from the median nerve while decreasing paresthesia.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Golfer’s Elbow ( Medial Epicondylitis/osis)” onload=”closed” text=”Golfer’s elbow is a term used to describe the common injury in which the muscles of the forearm cause pain along the medial portion of the elbow. Flexor muscles of the forearm attach to the medial epicondyle of the humerus where the periosteum of the bone may be irritated due to constant stress. The periosteum is a covering over the bone which is highly innervated by nerve tissue. When this periosteum is irritated, the area becomes swollen and very painful. Individuals often experience pain during the downward stroke of their golf swing or during any activity that requires a firm grip. Treatment includes rest, ice, specific exercise, nerve decompression, and fascial release of the muscles involved.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Rotator Cuff Sprain or Strain” onload=”closed” text=”Rotator cuff sprains occur as a result of overuse and trauma to the muscles of the shoulder. There are four muscles that make up the rotator cuff; Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis.   These muscles are commonly injured when one is repetitively working overhead and very common with throwing athletes or any athlete pressing weight above the head. Injury typically occurs with a sudden blow to the shoulder or while reaching for an object.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Sacroiliac (SI) Sprain and Subluxation” onload=”closed” text=”Sacroiliac pain is very common and may account for up to half of all low back pain cases. The sacroiliac joint is supported by the dorsal sacral ligament which is injured during lifting or while carrying heavy weight. Sacroiliac pain is also very common as ligaments become lax during pregnancy. In some cases pain may be decreased by laying in a recumbent position.”] [simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Impingement Syndrome of the Shoulder” onload=”closed” text=”Shoulder impingement occurs when the shoulder is forced into flexion and the supraspinatus tendon is pinched under the Acromioclavicular joint. Pain usually radiates from the tip of the shoulder down towards the elbow. Many people will complain of a dull ache while trying to sleep at night.”][/simnor_accordion]

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Common Pain

[simnor_accordion][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Hip Pain” onload=”closed” text=”Your hips undergo significant wear and tear every day, which makes hip pain one of the most common injuries people encounter. Pain can be caused by arthritis, a strain, a fracture or to unknown reasons, let us educate you with the knowledge, treatments and exercises that will help keep you pain-free.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Neck Pain” onload=”closed” text=”Neck pain can vary from being mildly annoying to so severe, which can incapacitate you. Our specialists will work with you to relieve your neck pain and restore your comfort and mobility. “][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Knee Pain” onload=”closed” text=”Experiencing sharp pain in your knee when your exercise? Pain and injuries, both acute and chronic, respond exceptionally well to our many different treatments offered.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Elbow Pain” onload=”closed” text=”There are many common causes for the pain you feel. If you are feeling pain that lasts for days, and can’t straighten or flex your arm or see any swelling or bruising, it is crucial to your recovery that a full assessment and appropriate treatment is initiated.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Back Pain” onload=”closed” text=”Low back pain can occur as a result of poor conditioning and overuse. All it takes is one sudden forceful movement to result in low back pain that can stop you from everyday activities. While sprains are the most common cause of lower back pain but there are many more that come with stress or age. Come learn what you can do to strengthen your back to resist injury.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Shoulder Pain / Frozen Shoulder ” onload=”closed” text=”If you are unsure about the cause of your shoulder pain, or if you do not know the specific treatment recommendations for your condition, please consult our physiotherapists. Whether it’s on the job or the tennis courts, we can help eliminate the shoulder pain you feel and get you back the strength and mobility you need.”][/simnor_accordion]

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Common Pain Symptoms

[simnor_accordion][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Tight Muscles and Muscle Cramps” onload=”closed” text=”Tight muscles and muscle cramps can prevent you from the full enjoyment of your daily activities. We can help! A muscle cramp is an involuntarily and sudden contraction of your muscle. Sometimes called a “charley horse”, these cramps can be very painful. With some education and therapy, we can help alleviate these symptoms and get you back in motion.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Dizziness” onload=”closed” text=”The term dizziness is commonly used to describe a variety of conditions such as lightheaded, unsteadiness and vertigo. It’s not just in your head. Come work with us and we will get you on a straight path to rehabilitation.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Headaches” onload=”closed” text=”Headache is a pain in the head focused above the eyes or the ears, behind the head (occipital), or in the back of the upper neck. Many things can cause headaches, contacting our Physiotherapist is an effective first-step towards long-term relief.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Elbow Pain” onload=”closed” text=”There are many common causes for the pain you feel. If you are feeling pain that lasts for days, and can’t straighten or flex your arm or see any swelling or bruising, it is crucial to your recovery that a full assessment and appropriate treatment is initiated.”][simnor_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”ok” heading=”Numbness” onload=”closed” text=”Numbness usually arises from nerve damage or a lack of blood supply to an area. Numbness or tingling can occur anywhere in your body and is often a result of trauma, impingement, inflammation or infection. We can help identify the reason for the symptoms and then develop a customized treatment approach for you.”][/simnor_accordion]

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