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Why people think we have the Best Chiropractors In Calgary!

“dr, jeff vela

“Dr.Myles, thanks for all the incredible work and for making it possible for me to reach the endzone time after time.”
— Jeff Vela 

“these guys understand elite athletics, darren sweeney

“These guys understand elite athletics.  They find the source of the problem and they fix it…every time.”           
—Darren Sweeney

Darren Sweeney
“thank you for keeping me in one piece so i could be at my best for the crossfit games!”, geoffrey acoin

“Thank you for keeping me in one piece so I could be at my best for the CrossFit Games!”
— Geoffrey Aucoin, CrossFit Athlete

Geoffrey Aucoin

“As a high school wrestling coach and weekend warrior, I need to take care of my body so I can keep active.  Dr. Myles gives me the treatment that I need in the short term to make sure that I can keep going, but also takes the time to explain what he’s doing and why he’s doing it, as well as what I can do on my own to improve my long term health so I can stay out of his office.  My only complaint is that Dr. Myles wasn’t practicing when I was competing.  If he was I might still be going.”           
—Jeremy Rudack

Jeremy Rudack

“Dr.Myles applies his extensive knowledge with his true passion to help people reach their full potential. The quality and time he spends during each treatment has made a huge difference in my life and the lives of my clients. Whether you are looking for a performance edge or an improvement in quality of life I would highly recommend Dr.Myles and the crew at RiverSide Sports Therapy.”
— Marcin Goszczynski, Owner of Mars Training Systems and former National Speed Skating team member

Marcin Goszczynski
“upon starting my bobsleigh career in i was introduced to dr, sarah thorne

“Upon starting my bobsleigh career in 2006 I was introduced to Dr. Jason Dick and soon learned that the Chiropractor would become my best friend.  Dr. Jason Dick has been with me since day one, and after making the Canadian National Bobsled team both Dr. Dick and Dr. Myles were not only a crucial aspect to my success as an elite athlete, but also two of my biggest supporters.  RiverSide Sports Therapy has been a key member of my team and has sparked my interest to fulfill a future career as a chiropractor.”           
—Sarah Thorne, Canadian National Bobsled Team

Sarah Thorne